Friday 4 January 2019

On losing your edge and finding yourself back

I've last written about creating temporary imbalances so you can have deep focus on a particular area of your life for a Rapid improvement in it. Sometimes, this is exactly what you need to quickly develop in one particular area of your life.
The problem is the apathy and laziness that settle their roots in your core. Breaking ties with ingrained mediocrity is difficult. Much more than keeping momentum when you've gotten used to the ride.
But breaking out of the bad habits that may have generated (in my case, certainly do) requires real application of willpower. So how to deal with it? let 's break it down to 2 key questions
who or what are you doing it for? Get the fire burning again, focus on it as you lay out of bed and remind yourself often.
what is the alternative? think if the path you set yourself on is likely to lead you to a measure of success. Chances are you feel Ugly if that is who you were. We can safely apply the "Law of Holes" to this problem. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
The main thing to realise is that it's unlikely you'll be a balanced and complete individual if you're only "hanging your hat" in your area. That's not what we're about, is it ? Using basketball terminology, this is triple-double and aiming to go from great to phenomenal, whatever that ends up meaning to you.

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