Wednesday, 26 July 2017

On time: the limiting factor

We all have the same 24 hours in a day to work with. 86400 seconds that starts a new budget afresh every single day for the duration of our natural lives. As with any other budget, and for us as masters of our own lives, we need to make the executive decision on what we want to spend it on.

What I mean by this is that a more important question than “what do you want?” that is more clearly associated with exercising choice, is the question “what are you choosing yourself out of?”. This is a tactic I like to use because it allows me to prioritize and ensure that at least I’m not lying to myself. The simplest example would be “I’m choosing to play games on my console” would be the answer to the first question, when the answer to second one would be “I’m also choosing not to have as good a grade on my coming exam, as there’s more effort I could’ve applied in studying if I hadn’t chosen to play videogames”. 

The small decisions you make everyday about how you spend your time, uses capacity that you’d use elsewhere if you were considering that time is the limiting factor. 

I’m not suggesting you shouldn’t play. I’m dull enough not to want that for my child J but don’t lie to yourself either about how you spend your time and whenever you feel you’re not where you’d like to be, that there are things you’d like to get better at or skills and capabilities you need to work at, look out for the time wasters because that’s where you’ll tread the road from good, to great to phenomenal.

Don’t waste time. There’s no time to be weak. We’re all with the clock going against us, and every day lost is eating away at our goals and dreams and taking the better version of us away from serving our loved ones. They deserve the best of us. You and your mom deserve the best version of me, so I can’t relent, I can’t rest and I can’t stop dreaming if I’m to be who I said I’d be, who I promised I’d be.

Live with a sense of urgency, because time will always be the limiting factor.

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